Suspended Membership

In recognition of unforeseen and temporary circumstances members may encounter during the course of their membership, the Board of Directors may grant a temporary suspension of a facility’s membership upon the member’s written request to the Board, under the following circumstances:

  1. The member is in good standing with the Association, with all financial obligations current at the time of the suspension request.  This will include all current dues payments and any other applicable fees due to VAISEF.  If the member requests a suspension of membership effective at the beginning of a membership year, dues and fees for the ensuing year must be paid in full before a member is granted reinstatement, as provided in paragraph 3 below.
  2. The member is in good standing with all applicable state licensing bodies.
  3. Upon receipt of the written request from the member for the voluntary suspension of their membership, the Board may grant a 90 day suspension of membership.  This suspension may be automatically extended for an additional 90 day period at the request of the member, as long as it is within the current membership year.  In no event may a single suspension of membership overlap into a succeeding membership year.
  4. For members with accreditation, their accreditation status shall remain in effect during the suspension period, so long as their accreditation was in good standing at the time of the suspension request and they continue to maintain operations in a manner consistent with VAISEF accreditation standards. The suspended member may be required to undergo an additional site visit, submit a renewed self-study or other documentation as determined by the Accreditation Committee prior to resuming full membership with accreditation.
  5. Suspended members may continue in their participation on VAISEF committees and attend association functions.  However, they will not be allowed to vote on any matter that comes before the body during the membership meetings, nor will Board members from members on suspended status will able to serve actively on the Board during this period.  Committee vice chairs or other appropriate alternates shall be appointed to serve temporarily on the Board during this time.

Approved by VAISEF membership on April 26, 2013.