VAISEF Outcomes Data Project

VAISEF values quality service provision and as such tracks member school success rates through the annual collection and reporting of outcome data. Entrance and exit data is collected by each member school and then reported as both individually, per each private day and residential special education member school, and aggregated data. Data collected is analyzed to address questions such the average amount of time spent in the program, the number of students served, discharge patterns (e.g. the number of positive, planned discharges to a lower level of care) and many others. We use this information to identify trends in service provision and document continued and increasing service needs.

Below are the access links and resources intended for member schools to properly participate in the outcomes project. We recommend bookmarking this page for quick access.

VAISEF Outcome Project Instructions

VAISEF Student Exit Survey Link – This link will take you to the data collection system to enter exit survey data.

VAISEF Coversheet Survey – This link will take you to a Survey Monkey page to collect the annual summary data required to provide data validation of the individual student exit surveys.

VAISEF Post-Discharge Follow-Up Survey Link – This link will take you to the data collection system to enter follow-up survey data. Members should begin using the Post-Discharge Follow-up Survey for successful 2018 exits, for surveys coming due September 2019, and for all such surveys coming due thereafter.

Handy Dandy VAISEF Outcomes Notebook – This contains all instructions for all surveys.

Post-Discharge Follow-Up Survey Template – Available for use to collect data (although all entries must be uploaded electronically via this link ). The document contains instructions, tips, expectations for completion and every question that is included in the electronic version.

VAISEF Outcomes Webinar Presentation Recording from August 2018 – This webinar was presented to members in August 2018 and is available to view or download.

Member Questions – This document contains questions (with answers) posed by member schools during the outcomes webinar.